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Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Everyday there are people amongst us who are facing their own personal battles with cancer or are dealing with the suffering of someone they care about and even the loss of someone close to them.
It is at these times that people draw strength from different sources. Sometimes inner strength & resolve, sometimes spiritual strength, sometimes the strength from faith & sometimes it is the strength that comes from the support of family, friends & the community.
The Cancer Council is constantly working to raise funds to enable it’s work to continue. Cancer is something that will, if not already, eventually touch every person in some way or another and so this Thursday 19th May from 10am to 11.30am, we will be holding an ‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea’ at the RE/MAX office at 40 Adelaide Road Mount Barker. http://sa.cancercouncilfundraising.org.au/REMAXHC
The objective is to help raise some funds for this very worthwhile cause. Cancer is something that is not always easy to talk about and as with so many things in life, it can be that there are things that people wanted to say that remain unsaid. The Biggest Morning Tea gives people a chance to contribute in their own way and for some,  let their donation of  time or energy or money, be their words.
