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Moving into Town

Planning the move – An Overview


In just about every type of real estate market there are individual circumstances that determine if people are able to put their plans into action.

There are also solutions to many of these situations, not always immediate but there are steps that can be taken.

In the current market one of the challenges people on rural or semi rural lifestyle properties have is finding another property in a preferred area to go to.

A solution to this can be to engage with an active Agency and in particular an active Agent who can work with you to achieve your desired outcome.

Finding a suitable property?  Meet with an active agent and set out your criteria then let them drive you through different areas so you can point out the type of property that appeals to you.

Step 1 – Have your property appraised for Saleability, Pre Sale Preparations & a potential Sale Price Range.

Step 2 – In tandem with an Agent determine the type of property that meets your needs & also appeals to you.

Step 3 – Simultaneously while your property is being readied for sale the Agent is targeting specific properties – to see if they would contemplate selling.

Step 4 – Sell to Buy and or Buy to Sell. Never as simple as it sounds but it happens and can go smoothly with a plan and professional support.
